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Renmark RSL Sub Branch 

91 15th St, Renmark,

SA 5341


Postal address:
PO Box 168, Renmark

SA, 5341

Renmark RSL Life Members

Awarded to Tony Guster, at the Renmark RSL on the 18th of November, 2020.

Pat & Tony 02.jpg

2020 Executtive Committee with Tony.jpg

Awarded to Chester Warren, at the Renmark RSL on the 26th of March, 2023.

Chester Warren_Life Membership.jpg




March General Meeting and Social Activity - 30th of March, 2025

The next general meeting will be held on the 30th of March, 2025.
The meeting will be conducted at the Lock 5 Picnic area. Prior to the meeting, the Sub Branch members will get a tour through the Renmark/Paringa Museum.

Timings for the day are:
1. Arrive at Renmark Paringa Museum at approx 9.15am

2. Finish tour at approx 11.30am, then move to the Lock 5 picnic area, 

3.  Have a BBQ lunch (BYO), then have the monthly meeting. 

Renmark RSL Facebook page (public) 


Lloyd (Secretary)

Email: renmarkrsl(at)


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Where is the Renmark RSL Sub Branch located?
Click on this Google Maps link