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Renmark RSL Sub Branch 

91 15th St, Renmark,

SA 5341


Postal address:
PO Box 168, Renmark

SA, 5341

Links to Associations and Unit websites

MYGOV Portal - Link to the government website that details how to create a "mygov" account. This page also includes the "MyGov" sign-in icon for those who already have an account.

MyService portal - a new webpage for gaining access to the DVA's new "MyService" portal.

Royal Australian Regt - this link is to the RAR Assn's "Links" page, where you can navigate to the different Battalion individual websites/home pages.

RAA 105 Fd Battery Assn - For current and former serving members of 105 Fd Bty.

RAEME Assn - The home page for the national assn, with links to state assn's.

Royal Aust Armoured Corp Association - main home page, with links to other states and unit websites.

RAAF Association (National Board) - national page for the AAF Assn, or go to their Facebook page for social media details

Australian War Memorial 

Virtual War Memorial - Research relatives who have served Australia in conflicts spanning the last 100 years, and add to their individual story.

Trove - A useful tool for searching the archives of the National Library of Australia

3SQN RAAF - # SQN Assn page, containing links to many other RAAF units and associations.

RAAF Fighter SQN Branches and Associations - Links to all fighter squadron pages etc.

Temora Aviation Museum– Australia’s premier aviation museum. Check here for latest air shows and flying dates of the incredible range of warbird aircraft located here.

Renmark RSL Sub-branch Facebook page – this Facebook page is set to public, meaning that anyone can view the content that is posted to it.


Below are just some of the agencies in Australia that can assist with a vast majority of issues facing veterans today.

OPEN ARMS - VETERANS AND FAMILY COUNCELLING                               SOLDIER ON         

WOUNDED HEROES         YOUNG VETERANS                                               RSL DEFENCE CARE 

DVA links to ex-service associations




75th Anniversary of the end of WWII

One of our members, Ray Hartigan has asked to have these video links added here. Everyone can have a look and see the history of the events that surrounded the ending of the war, particularly in the Pacific Ocean operational theatre.

Heroes and Headhunters | The secret WWII unit who stopped the Japanese     

Z Force heroes reunite at old training ground (2010) | ABC News

The Australians In New Guinea (1943)          

A Day With The Australians (1940) 

Second Australian Imperial Force (1940)

Made in Australia (1940)        

WWII Pacific Timeline

The Day Japan Surrendered, Ending WWII | 


The AWM Hall of Memory - A brief history of the Hall of Memory, by Dr Brendon Nelson

The true symbol of remembrance for Australia is Rosemary -





March General Meeting and Social Activity - 30th of March, 2025

The next general meeting will be held on the 30th of March, 2025.
The meeting will be conducted at the Lock 5 Picnic area. Prior to the meeting, the Sub Branch members will get a tour through the Renmark/Paringa Museum.

Timings for the day are:
1. Arrive at Renmark Paringa Museum at approx 9.15am

2. Finish tour at approx 11.30am, then move to the Lock 5 picnic area, 

3.  Have a BBQ lunch (BYO), then have the monthly meeting. 

Renmark RSL Facebook page (public) 


Lloyd (Secretary)

Email: renmarkrsl(at)


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Where is the Renmark RSL Sub Branch located?
Click on this Google Maps link